The Heart of Love

Prayers, Poetry, Divine Inspiration by Gail Swanson

Fire Goddess

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This powerful and symbolic image was sent to me a few days ago. I thought it was so appropriate for the Spring Equinox but I was waiting for permission to post it. Now I see why it was meant for today.

Today we wake to yet another tragic event. Today we are reminded yet again of what human beings are capable of.

As it becomes harder and harder to believe we are going to rise from this time of chaos and violence we grow stronger and more determined to remember who we are.

We are the women warriors. We are warriors of love. We are on fire with the birth of freedom and the devotion to reclaim all that has been lost.

The divine feminine continues to rise in every way imaginable. She will not surrender. She will not be driven under. She will continue to rise on the breath of every woman on the planet. She will create peace moment by moment. She will turn her head from war and injustice and raise her head towards balance and wisdom and sovereignty.

She will continue to rise.

She will breathe the fire of truth.

She will sing the song of remembrance.

She is the mother bestowing her blessing on the land and her people.

She is the living waters of life and the fire rising from the ashes of the past.

She is burning and birthing.

Do not underestimate her power.

We the women are awake.

We the women stand together.

We the women are a circle of power.

Brutality and war can not stop her from rising.

SHE is the ALL


This was the Spring Equinox Message I sent out and it is exactly what I would have chosen today.   It is from my book  The Heart of Love : Mary Magdalene Speaks


Birgitte Fiche and Peter Christiansen

 The power of the natural balance of the masculine and feminine is a power most mighty and a most sacred healing balm.

All that lies beneath the destruction of this most natural state is beautiful and born of heaven.

How shall the balance be restored?

When the divine feminine connects to the stars and heaven and breathes the remembrance into her physical body on earth, this shall create a power reborn.

When the masculine connects in this way, igniting his own divine feminine and heavenly qualities, he may then acknowledge this sweetness and grace with loving acceptance and one shall see the sweetness in another and another.

In the living sanctuary of your heart, all that has been suppressed, all that has been wounded, all that cries out for love, is now ready to be uncovered and released.

I understand your feeling that the process is never ending but this I am afraid is the process upon the earth.

Your choice to be the shining stars in the face of such anguish illuminates in ways you shall never know.

Allow yourselves to open now in ways you have not allowed for in this allowance fear shall be shattered and love and peace shall reign.

And as you embrace these ancient ways and call out the names of all who adore you, the luminous fibers of your heavenly being shall illuminate and connect with your heavenly home.

Continue to call upon the memory of love.

Hold fast in your desire for truth.

Seek only the truth within.

For there you shall find….your own sacred heart.


May love and peace prevail everywhere ….

With Love,







Author: The Heart of Love

I am the author of the book The Heart of Love : Mary Magdalene Speaks. In the midst of a long and debilitating illness I received a vision of Jerusalem. I was told of a connection with Mary Magdalene and soon after writings emerged in the form of stories, prayers and poetry. The Heart of Love is a beautiful love song to the divine feminine. Mary Magdalene has come forth in many ways to help to shine the light on the great imbalance of the masculine and feminine throughout time. I am dedicated to helping to restore the divine feminine to her rightful place through powerful meditations and initiations of the highest order. These divine ancient ceremonies spark the remembrance of the power, truth and beauty of the divine feminine within us all.

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