The Heart of Love

Prayers, Poetry, Divine Inspiration by Gail Swanson

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In Honor of Earth Day

katherine skaggs

art Katherine Skaggs

“When the first chakra is disconnected from the feminine Earth, we can feel orphaned and motherless. The masculine principle predominates, and we look for security from material things. Individuality prevails over relationship, and selfish

drives triumph over family, social and global responsibility. The more separated we become from the Earth, the more hostile we become to the feminine. We disown our passion, our creativity, and our sexuality. Eventually the Earth itself becomes a baneful place. I remember being told by a medicine woman in the Amazon, do you know why they are really cutting down the rain forest? Because it is wet and dark and tangled and feminine.”

~Alberto Villoldo

The last few years have been filled with magnificent joys and heart wrenching sorrows. It feels as if we must be stronger than ever to ride the waves of these kinds of huge changes that seem to come one right after the other with no breathing room in between. But breathe we must, and believe we must, for in between the sorrows and the joys the messages still come, the unmistakable messages of love and hope from places beyond what we can see. This is our grace. This is our spiritual foundation. This is the purity from which we enrich and strengthen our spirituality.

I have felt weakened, yes. Have you? I have felt lost and stuck and unbelievably weary. I have felt on the edge of falling with no net beneath to catch me. You can be taken right to that edge and we can see in world events what can happen when you do not have a foundation of grace that you are consciously aware of.

What saves us? The inner knowing that there is something so much bigger, that in spite of all the heartache and violence we are subjected to in this world, we have a divine purpose. Each time we rise above our own individual circumstance, each time we are not too far gone to recognize the grace and love that is showering upon us, each time we grasp the message coming from a loved one who has passed or a heavenly guide and benefactor, we rise to a new spiritual height.

We may feel we are failing, we may feel we are weakened by the struggles and the sorrows in our own lives and in the world but we are being tempered in the fires, we are being purified and transformed. Sometimes we have to will ourselves back from the edge, as we call out for heavenly aid. We must remember that in the fire of transformation and transmutation even our will is being tempered and strengthened. Spiritual alchemy is at work. Our awareness even through times of what feels like brutal change is the saving grace; constant vigilance and awareness of a higher view, constant releasing the obsessive need to know why things happen, rising above any kind of victim mentality and being present in every single living breathing moment. Being present to the smallest joys, a cardinal singing, the way your beloved animal looks at you, a kindness given, each and every precious grace.

And of great importance is allowing yourself to feel. Feel your sorrow, express your sorrow, feel your anger, speak your truth. Holding these feelings in for the sake of thinking you must not give in or that this constitutes weakness or ungratefulness, pushing down feelings, suppressing your emotions. This will only build up and up and become something much bigger than just dealing with it as it comes up. Know yourself. Know what you need to release, to move on. Feel it, cry it out, move on.

When you are awake, even through times of great stress, you will feel a pull, you will hear a calling. Nature will speak to you. The earth, our divine feminine home will call you to her. Go. She will nurture you and rebalance you. She will unburden you. She will remind you who you are. Wrap your arms around a tree before you go to work and thank her. It will change your life.

I believe in my heart that above other things the disconnect from nature, from the earth, is symbolic in the biggest way possible of the disconnect to the divine feminine. This has now manifested in so many ways. Ignoring humanities connection to mother earth and the desecration and disregard for her has shown itself in the suppression and dishonoring of the feminine in every possible way. The spiritual connection to the earth and to the feminine in all her majesty is crucial for our spiritual enrichment and survival. The disconnect from the resonance of the earth has led us down a treacherous path.

So when you feel the call, answer her. Answer her for all those who can not hear, who will not hear. Answer her through peaceful times and challenging times. Offer up your own connection to her to something far greater.

Offer it up for humanity.

We are the earth.

We are the stars.

We are one another.

Do it.

Let’s do it together.

We were born for this.

Let us remember who we are.


This is The Root of Who You Are

5721667_orig This Is The Root of Who You Are

This is the root of who you are. That is what I heard on the morning of the Blood Moon Eclipse, Holy Saturday, the morning before Easter Sunday. As I heard this many things began to come forward. As if in an instant I became rooted in the knowing that what I was being shown was this simple, undeniable truth.

These words were like the conductor of a huge symphony as all came together to play my own individual and unique arrangement. All in an instant! It is difficult to put this experience into words but this is the closest to trying to explain it.

There has been a theme running through my life from the time I received the vision of Jerusalem and was told of my connection to Mary Magdalene so many years ago. There were so many stages of joy, sorrow, paralyzing fear and anxiety, illness and ultimately gathering the courage to do what I came here to do. The grief of going through memories of the time of Jesus and Magdalene were overwhelming. I was determined to get through it, overcome it, move on.

I thought I did until I went to Brazil to see John of God last August. I spent the entire two weeks crying from the depths of my soul. I had no idea why I was crying. But on the second day there as I walked with my group to the Casa I took quite a fall and my legs were bleeding. It was not until I had spiritual surgery and spent an entire day having visions that I saw and heard the meaning and parallel of that fall. I saw myself fall and I heard “Jesus falls for the third time.” I realized I had fallen twice at home before I got to Brazil and saw that the walk to the Casa was a parallel of the walk to the cross.

In one of the visions after my spiritual surgery I saw a room and as soon as I saw it I knew it had to do with Jesus. I heard myself call out his name in real time. I said “I am looking for Jesus.” After I said this I began to see him through the front of an open grid work with a star on top. I could just make out his staff and a bit of him. I could not bear to see him and that was the end of the vision.

All of these things and so much more came together on the Eclipse Morning and I was shown that I have been trying to overcome this, feeling it is my job on earth at this time to release myself from the grief of that excruciating event, always telling myself that it is about the Resurrection not the death. I want to move into the Resurrection but I was shown too that not only has the death seemed unbearable still in this lifetime but so has the love. The memory of that kind of love is almost too much to bear, to remember, to get too close to. I have kept him at a distance and as in the vision I could not bear to look upon him, still.

I am not at all sure what any of this means. I only know when I am shown something in a way that defies all time and space and you feel in your heart is truth I must pay attention. Perhaps I have been running from it rather than overcoming it. Perhaps I have been listening to my mind rather than my heart and perhaps the truth is there is no overcoming it because This is the root of who I am. After I heard those words this came pouring out of me.

I know there are many of my sisters who understand and are experiencing this too. This is for you. May we accept and honor the root of who we are.


Today I accept the root of who I am

Today I no longer think I can move on

Recover from or process

What I carry in my heart

In my soul

In my body

I am She

Who sees

I am She

Who feels

I am She

Who carries the memories

The Love

And heartbreak

Of the Beloved

I am She

Who has witnessed

The majesty

And the brutality

I am She

Who has Returned

And no matter where I go

Or what I do

This is the root of who I am

I am She who remembers Love

I am She who carries the Flame

The truth bearer

The cosmic messenger

The flowering seed

Of the feminine divine

Rising like a phoenix



The Truth

And from this day forward

I shall run no more